30 July 2006

Secret Pal Group Questions

1. What is your favorite season?

Fall! Can’t wait to wear sweaters again and coats and boots… I love that brief time when it’s chilly but there’s no snow, when you can go outside and run around but are pretty happy when you get to come back inside for a warm cup of coffee. I think I usually clap when I see the first bit of color on the changing trees. Yes, I’m that dorky.

2. Where is or would be your favorite place in the world to take a vacation?

Right now I’m dreaming of a trip to Johannisburg and Cape Town, South Africa. (Don’t worry, Mom. I won’t tell you the scary details of my adventure until I’m home safe and sound.) If that doesn’t pan out, I’m hoping to try India. You gotta dream big, right?

My favorite place to go so far has been weekends in the Catskills, Adirondacks or Poconos… just a tiny little cabin, boardgames, knitting, wine and a boy. I’ve ditched that particular boy, but the rest of it sounds nice. Maybe I should start looking for another fella since fall in a cabin is pretty darn nice…

3. If you could have any job in the world and not worry about finances (everything would be taken care of), which means you'd be doing something you actually like, what would it be?

I’d probably be a writer… which I guess is kinda what I am. But I’d be a novelist with unlimited funds, a room of my own (as Ms. Woolf prescribes), and hours to dream, plot and play with words. And of course I’d be hooked up with a publisher who adored me and published whatever drivel I managed to spew out.

Other dream jobs include an interior decorator, high-powered editor at a fabulous magazine or publishing house (just saw The Devil Wears Prada and a big part of me would love to be Miranda just for a bit… evil, snarky comments and all…), quilter/knitter/crafter extraordinaire, graphic designer, and some days even an engineer. Those are the days I’ve spent too many hours at the office writing about job promotions for engineering alumni.

And although I hesitate to say this for fear of jinxing myself, I really do think being an English professor would be pretty cool. So, Mr. Universe-Controller, think we could work something out on that one? Pretty please.

4. What is your favorite project to knit or crochet?

Any one that actually works! Seriously, so far it’s been things that offer some challenge for me to figure out. I’m enjoying working on the Mystery Stole lace project because I have to think, use pens and highlighters and doo dads and what nots. It’s slow and meticulous, but even the few rows I’ve completed are gorgeous. (Due to the pattern, trust me, nothing to do with my skills.) I enjoyed learning fair isle for my felted bag (which is yet to be lined and put into rotation) or even figuring out mattress stitch (the right way) for my last sweater. I don’t think I’ve had a roaring success in the knitting department, but if I do, you’ll be the first to know!

5. What is your favorite food - whether it be a main dish, dessert, snack, whatever?

Grandma’s gooey butter cake… divine. Or maybe sweet corn from the family farm… homemade ice cream… Grandma’s rolls… biscuits and gravy from dirty greasy spoons (the restaurants, not actual dirty spoons)…

Yeah, it’s no wonder I need to exercise more!

6. What is your favorite way to relax and unwind?

If I’m stressed after a hard day, I enjoy hitting the gym until I’m exhausted, then coming home to a nice bath with fancy bubbles or bath salts and a glass of wine. When I’m too pooped for that, give me a DVD of old CSI episodes and some mindless sock knitting. I used to enjoy curling up on my back porch with a book but now books = work, so blech!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel--my fall countdown usually starts towards the end of June.

Who needs a guy for a cabin adventure? Hiking during the day and knitting while watching CSI reruns at night sounds like the perfect vacation ;-)