21 July 2006

Certainly No Shakespeare Here

Uh… yeah… so hope you’re not going to hold me to any standards of eloquence here after that last post.

Thank you all for the emails and comments yesterday. I feel a little sheepish about putting it out there, especially since it’s a professional publication and I try to at least be conscious of the blogging code of separation of professional and personal. I don’t always succeed, but I try. Anyway, to clarify, it’s a research essay that has been accepted for a collection that will be made into a book, or at least I think so. I’m new to all of this so I’m not entirely positive on the way something goes from my ramblings on my trusty laptop to pages sandwiched between hard covers in the library but I guess I’ll be finding out very soon. Just an essay… just 25 pages of historical research with my own little bit of spin… just an entry in a table of contents and a line on the CV…

But it’ll be my 25 pages of spin…

As far as the big diss, well, it’s going about as well as the Big Dig. I just hope that I don’t hurt anyone with the chunks that are suffering the fate of the red editing pen. Right now, there are many, many more pages in the trash can than in the keeper pile. Oh well, I’ve been told that’s the nature of the beast.

Sometimes though all you need is a little shot in the arm to keep you going. I’m a simple girl, really, don’t need too much attention or too much praise. So yes, I’m pretty happy with this news. I needed it and wanted to share it with anyone who happened upon my little corner of the Internet. I’ll trot out a few more pages, look up a few more articles and throw away a whole bunch more. Someday my name will be on the title page… someday…

Whoever happens to stumble on this entry, here’s to a little hope. We’ll stumble through this mess of life together and every so often we’ll get exciting emails when we turn on our computers.

1 comment:

Kris said...

Even if the big D isn't finished, adding that line to the CV can be the crucial difference between employment and unemployment. It's all good.