19 November 2006


Friday night I sat down to finish the second sleeve of my hoodie with a movie and a bit of soy nog.* Turns out, I’d already seen the movie, but if Matt Damon is in it, who cares, right? So there I was knitting away with my rerun and liquid soybeans, just ready to cast off when I thought I’d be all kinds of crazy and count my stitches. Imagine my surprise when I had eight more than I should. Oops. And I wasn’t even knitting under the influence this time!

Seems I kinda just skipped over several of those details… like binding off two stitches at the beginning of the row four times. Guess I shouldn’t assume that just because I’d already knit one sleeve the right way, I’d be able to master a second sleeve. Should I just fudge it at the end? Maybe it wouldn’t matter. It’ll all block out even, right?

Yeah, been there and tried it and you know what? Cheaters never win… especially in knitting.

So yesterday morning, I ripped. Besides the health benefits of choosing soy nog over my usual knitting night cap, I have to say that it’s a good thing I was alcohol-free Friday night and therefore rational enough to know that ripping should be done in the daylight with coffee.

Later tonight, I will begin again, carefully reading the instructions this time.

While ripping is perhaps not the most enjoyable aspect of knitting, I do like the do-over factor. *Poof* It’s like the goof never happened, well, aside from the fact that at one point I had a finished sleeve and now I have a sleeve that needs a few hours of work. Essentially though, I get to rewind back to Friday evening, before the goof, before the movie made me forget how to read directions.

Sometimes I wish more of life had a do-over factor. This week sorta flew by too fast for me to catch the slip-ups or even read the directions. I started several blog entries and never finished them before they were made obsolete by the need for a new blog entry for a new day. Then it became a week’s worth of entries and I thought I should do something, well, pretty darn neat. But, er, em… I just don’t have pretty darn neat in me right now. I had a good week of observing an expensive and complicated experiment which has absolutely nothing to do with my own research, attending an amazing Broadway-type show, and enjoying several outings with the girls. But for some reason, that’s all I’m going to say about it for now.

Maybe I’m feeling quiet since I’m in reading mode for my dissertation, the weeks where you soak in all you can and become a sponge lurking about the library in search of some little detail that you don’t have yet. Maybe I’m feeling quiet because my knitting and crafting have been on the non-existent to dull side lately. Maybe it’s just the fact that it’s 4 p.m. and dark here. Whatever it is, here’s to wiping the slate clean and starting over on attempting to blog and craft and keep up with the world.
* See, told you I was getting into this eating healthier thing. I’ll certainly be splurging on “real” egg nog when I’m home for the holidays, but for now, VitaSoy’s Holly Nog will do.


African Kelli said...

Wouldn't it be great if you could frog out certain aspects of your life? I agree -- I find the "redo" ability of knitting quite nice. There are only a couple things in my life that I would do significantly differently and oh, how I wish I could!
The yarn, btw, is such a pretty color!

Anonymous said...

I had to unravel two sections of a cross-stitch project I'm working on for a friend for Christmas. I was not happy about that at all. I think I will probably have to undo another section as well but I'm leaving it just in case. I can't quite bring myself to count my stitches just yet to see if that section needs to go too. :D I figure I'll just work back up to it and see how things work out.

It's moments like this that I wonder why I don't pick easier hobbies.

Surfed through via the NaBloPomo randomizer. Good luck with your projects!